About Me

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I am a 27 year old mommy who's beautiful Angel had to go home. I lost my baby on 3/30/2011. She was born with semi lobar holoprosencephaly and would have been 3 on 6/1/2011. I am starting to walk a brand new path but I am not alone. I have my angel walking right beside me and my wonderful husband,Gabriel, holding my hand as we begin our journey together.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Coming home for the holidays

It's getting closer to the holiday season and I can't help but think about my angel. I catch myself getting teary eyed thinking about how she won't be here to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with us. Knowing she is gone is also giving me a sense of happiness because now she gets to embrace all the joys of the holiday season with all of the beautiful angels in Heaven. Over the past few Christmas' that I got to spend with my angel, this last Christmas was the most memorable. She actually got to go visit all of our family and it was her first Christmas that she wasn't sick! I was so ecstatic! Having us all together was the best Christmas present I could ever want. I never really thought about God having a plan for everyone before they are born but losing Adriana has made me realize we are all put here on Earth to complete the plan God has in store for us. I believe Adriana was an Angel sent to Gabriel and myself to help make it as far as we have. Without her we wouldn't be blessed with everything that we have accomplished and received. I know it's going to be a hard holiday season this year but knowing I had the chance to spend time with my baby girl before she went home, makes it all better. This year I have already received my Christmas present, I now have a Angel walking every step with me. I love you Adriana Renae Reyna.

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