About Me

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I am a 27 year old mommy who's beautiful Angel had to go home. I lost my baby on 3/30/2011. She was born with semi lobar holoprosencephaly and would have been 3 on 6/1/2011. I am starting to walk a brand new path but I am not alone. I have my angel walking right beside me and my wonderful husband,Gabriel, holding my hand as we begin our journey together.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We are finally home!! Adriana is doing marvelous. I am hoping that we will stay clear of the hospital for along time. We are off to a new start. This weekend we will be cleaning and painting our new home. I am so happy right now. I feel like nothing will get in our way to start our new lives. I know this is a short update but I just wanted to let everyone know we are home and doing great!!

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