About Me

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I am a 27 year old mommy who's beautiful Angel had to go home. I lost my baby on 3/30/2011. She was born with semi lobar holoprosencephaly and would have been 3 on 6/1/2011. I am starting to walk a brand new path but I am not alone. I have my angel walking right beside me and my wonderful husband,Gabriel, holding my hand as we begin our journey together.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happiness from a Angel

I have officially been working for 1 week!! I love my new job and I couldnt be happier. I miss Adriana so much but I am always happy now. I think its because she is here with me all the time. I can always feel her by my side. This Wednesday is her 3rd birthday. Gabriel & I are both off work that day and we already have an agenda of how we want to celebrate. I am going to buy 3 balloons for each of us and I am going to buy her some beautiful flowers. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful so we can release the balloons for her. We may end up buying some cupcakes but I am on a diet so I need to stay away from them( I think Adriana would want me to have 1 or 2)!!!! I will update more this week but for now everything is A-OK!!! I love my Adriana Renae and miss her so much.

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