About Me

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I am a 27 year old mommy who's beautiful Angel had to go home. I lost my baby on 3/30/2011. She was born with semi lobar holoprosencephaly and would have been 3 on 6/1/2011. I am starting to walk a brand new path but I am not alone. I have my angel walking right beside me and my wonderful husband,Gabriel, holding my hand as we begin our journey together.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, December 23, 2011


Well baby girl, it's been over 2 months since I have wrote on here an I am sorry. Mommy has had a rough few weeks especially with the holidays here. This is the first year that I don't care about putting up Christmas decorations. I have them up but I'm ready for them come to down. Daddy got me a puppy, Daisy, she reminds us of you. She is very prissy just like you used to be. Mommy doesn't have a lot to say except I love you and miss you. I wish you were here baby. Merry Christmas angel!

1 comment:

Lily's mommy said...

Thinking of you Ashley! Christmas has been difficult for me the last 2 years. I hope you found a little bit of joy and peace on this special day.